WiiFM is a station that many many people tuning into every day. That's including you, me, and almost every one else on earth. WiiFM broadcast in a wide range, and it doesn't discriminate anyone. WiiFM stand for "What's in it For Me" It's a new term that I've learned recently from a speech course :/
Why am I talking about WiiFM? here's it goes again. It's all about friendship and relationship and all those cheesy stuffs. It's about a friend of mine, who dumped her bf for a week, then went on a dating another guy. At first, I thought she was "really" sad about her breakup. I was too naive to believe that she was emotionally weak and too vulnerable for a new relationship because she might not thinking it thoroughly, and because I'm always taking relationship seriously, so I kept texting her and remind her not to start a new realtionship, not until her emotion is stable and ensure that she's ready. But as it turned out, I was a fool; a fool to believe her the whole time. The whole breakup thing was carefully planned out. She found the new guy and secretly dating him BEFORE she even break up with her existing boyfriend. It's a form of cheating, but at a mild level I guess. It was just an act, acting to be sad, and I played the role of the witness.
It disappointed me. Not only because she lied to me (well not exactly lying, but not telling the whole truth lol) but also about the concept of love and relationship. I guess there's no such thing as true love and unconditional love. Love only exist in motion pictures and love novels :( . In real life, love is like a car, where people can change ownership and trade in for a new model. Heck yeh, people even test drive the new relationship to make sure it's ok before dumping the old one. People will always tune into WiiFM to make sure everything benefit themselves the most. I don't know who to believe anymore, anything people say can be a lie. Heck yeh, even sometimes I lie to myself. Maybe I was disappointed is because it did not benefit me. Maybe I advised her to take some cool off time so that I can ask her out for a date lol. Whatever it is, I just take it as a lesson of life and moving on, and lets not losing hope about love and the true ascent of love :)