Isn't there a quote somewhere, saying that "Something can go wrong, it will probably go wrong" ??? I think it called Murphy's law or something. Anyway, let me stretching my cheesy muscle, then we gonna get started ....ok
So there is an intern student joining my store not too long ago. I thought she is going to stay for a while, or at least, after Christmas. But as it turned out, she left last Wednesday :(
I guess I just have to keep the Christmas gift; the one I bought for her; and every cheesy tipis talks I could think of. See, things never go the way I planned. Maybe I spend too much time thinking and not doing. This problem can be easily avoided by just simply enjoy the moment of the present, rather than planning what to happen in the future cuz there are millions of possibilities can happen.
I really like her simple mind :) her "oh oh" :) her short hair :) her kid-like personality :) I wish she will stay the same cuz it's beautiful in an innocent way; hope she won't be jaded after all the things she will go through in her life ahead, cuz life can be rough and mistreated sometimes :/