Have you, ever heard, of something called Murphy's law before? It goes like this "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong" lol. Its sucks but it's true. Most outcomes are opposite of what I imaging, or longing, waiting for. It's cheesy time!
So I like this girl, 5 years younger than me, but single, mom lol. She's very cute in my opinion; don't know why her last relationship didn't work. Maybe there is some hidden obstacles but I don't see. But either way, her energy is lovely, sweet, fun, smiley cute :)
I texted her, asked her out, and waiting for the rely. Seven o'clock in the morning, my phone went "ding ding ding" I was excited. Excited because if it's a yes, then wohooo... but if it's a no, then I can move on. But unfortunately, it was neither yes or no. It's wasn't her text. Ten o'clock, more "ding ding ding" ...wasn't her either. Lunch time, "ding ding ding" ....not her either. Up until now, I realized Murphy's law is true. When I expect a yes, I got a no; when I expect no, hoping for yes, but still no; when I expecting yes or no so I can get over with, then it's just ....silence ....nada
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Tho* muon tien
As you may already know, sometimes it's hard to do what you
love, and love what you do. For such a long time, I have been struggling,
looking for a perfect career path. Soon
after graduating from high school, I attended college with no purpose in mind.
I had no idea what I wanted to do for a living.
The phrase “make a living” vibrated in my head as I looked through the
college careers catalog. I found
“pharmacy” as comfortable career choice for its stability, security, and fit my
ability…which is, a POOR English communicator. Naturally, I’m good at verbal
communication, but due to the English barrier, I tended to close up and avoid
chic chat. Anyway, making a long story short, pharmacy is ok; but it’s
stressful, boring, and very limited with no potential to grow. Plus, it will
take many more years to finish.
Recently, after several years of interacting with customers,
I have come to realized that, instead of avoiding the problem, it is better to
face the problem and search for a solution. I have been studying and researching
for quite a while, and I have come to the decision of getting into business;
real estate business. I have already finished the classes, and taking
California Real Estate exam in 1-2 months. It’s not an easy business; as the
economy clamping down the depression spiral, many people are leaving the
Monday, August 27, 2012
Meds in Spanish
As you write la receta (lah reh-SEH-tah), the
prescription, you may want to explain what type of medication you are
prescribing. Use these phrases:
Here is prescription for an antibiotic.
Aquí tiene una receta para un antibiótico.
ah-KEE tee-EH-neh OO-nah reh-SEH-tah
PAH-rah oon ahn-tee-bee-OH-tee-coh
This medicine is an antifungal.
Esta medicina es un antifúngico.
EHS-tah meh-dee-SEE-nah ehs oon
It is a cough suppressant.
Es un supresor de tos.
ehs oon soo-preh-SOHR deh tohs
Medicines may be available sin receta médica (seen
reh-SEH-tah MEH-dee-cah), over the counter, or you may need una receta
médica, a prescription. The FDA website, www.fda.gov, offers a
brochure in Spanish to help patients choose the best OTC medicine for you.
el analgésico
ehl ah-nahl-HEH-see-coh
el antiácido
ehl ahn-tee-AH-see-doh
la medicina antiarrítmica
lah meh-dee-SEE-nah ahn-tee-
el antibiótico
ehl ahn-tee-bee-OH-tee-coh
el anticoagulante
ehl ahn-tee-coh-ah-goo-LAHN-teh
el antidiarréico
ehl ahn-tee-dee-ah-RREH-ee-coh
el antiemético
ehl ahn-tee-eh-MEH-tee-coh
el antifúngico
ehl ahn-tee-FOON-hee-coh
el antihipertensivo
ehl ahn-tee-ee-pehr-tehn-SEE-voh
el antiinflamatorio
ehl ahn-tee-een-flah-mah-TOH-ree-oh
el antineoplásico
ehl ahn-tee-neh-oh-PLAH-see-coh
el antipirético
ehl ahn-tee-pee-REH-tee-coh
la medicina antiviral
lah meh-dee-SEE-nah
la aspirina
lah ahs-pee-REE-nah
el barbitúrico
ehl bahr-bee-TOO-ree-coh
el supresor de tos
ehl soo-preh-SOHR deh tohs
el descongestionante
ehl dehs-cohn-hehs-tee-oh-NAHN-teh
la hormona
lah ohr-MOH-nah
el ibuprofeno
ehl eeh-boo-proh-FEH-noh
el inmunosupresor
ehl een-moo-noh-soo-preh-SOHR
la morfina
lah morh-FEE-nah
muscle relaxant
el relajante de músculos
ehl reh-lah-HAHN-teh deh
la vitamina lah vee-tah-MEE-nah
Instructions for Using Medications
As you prescribe medication, may also want to explain what
form the medication comes in, and whether it needs to be taken orally or in any
other form. Use es … (it is … ) for singular and son … (They are
… ) for plural.
They are tablets.
Son unas pastillas.
sohn OO-nahs pahs-TEE-yahs
You need to take them orally/by mouth.
Tiene que tomarlas oralmente/por la boca.
tee-EH-neh keh toh-MAHR-lahs oh-rahl-MEHN-teh/ pohr lah
It is a gel.
Es una crema/un gel.
ehs OO-nah CREH-mah/oon hehl
You need to apply it in the affected area.
Tiene que aplicarlo en el área afectada.
tee-EH-neh keh ah-plee-CAHR-loh ehn ehl AH-reh-ah
They are drops.
Son unas gotas.
sohn OO-nahs GOH-tahs
la tableta masticable
lah tah-BLEH-tah mahs-tee-CAH-bleh
el limpiador
ehl leem-pee-ah-DOHR
las gotas
lahs GOH-tahs
la crema, el gel
lah CREH-mah, ehl hehl
gel capsule
la cápsula de gel
lah CAP-soo-lah deh hehl
el inhalador
ehl een-ah-lah-DOHR
la inyección
lah een-yek-see-OHN
el ungüento
eh loon-goo-EHN-toh
la pildora, la pastilla
la PEEL-doh-rah, lah pahs-TEE-yah
nasal spray
el aerosol, el spray
ehl ah-eh-roh-SOHL, ehl SPRAH-ee
la pastilla
lah pahs-TEE-yah
to apply
to attach
to chew
to insert
to put
to spray
to take
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Today I got together with 2 new classmates and finished our online finals. We cheated lol. Well, but it's not about cheating, but about step family. I witnessed how step moms and dads behaved, and the victims are no one other than innocent children ...(to be continued)
Friday, August 17, 2012
Zero(0) Reactive
WOOHOOO I did it!
I have finally cured my heartache that I started 5 years ago :D
"How do you know?" you may ask. Well, I'm not reacting to her appearance anymore. My crush-meter read zero (0), nothing, not feeling heart beating fast, not nervous, not reacting at all when I found her profile today.
Ok, so there are 2 ways to move on from a bad relationship/crush/heartbreak or whatever. The first way is to find a replacement; either a temporary relationship or a baxter lol. While the feeling is still there, the new feeling and excitement will take over and overwrite the old feeling. The good thing about this is, it helps us to move on quickly. The bad thing is, it only suppress the old feeling. Sometimes old feeling comes back and bite us. The second way is to stay away from relationship forever until the old images are completely washed away. Yike, that can take years or even a lifetime depending on how stubborn the mind is. and I did it
I have finally cured my heartache that I started 5 years ago :D
"How do you know?" you may ask. Well, I'm not reacting to her appearance anymore. My crush-meter read zero (0), nothing, not feeling heart beating fast, not nervous, not reacting at all when I found her profile today.
Ok, so there are 2 ways to move on from a bad relationship/crush/heartbreak or whatever. The first way is to find a replacement; either a temporary relationship or a baxter lol. While the feeling is still there, the new feeling and excitement will take over and overwrite the old feeling. The good thing about this is, it helps us to move on quickly. The bad thing is, it only suppress the old feeling. Sometimes old feeling comes back and bite us. The second way is to stay away from relationship forever until the old images are completely washed away. Yike, that can take years or even a lifetime depending on how stubborn the mind is. and I did it
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Career update
just realize I have not blogging for several months. Time flies... anyway
I'm getting into real estate business. I have been busy with current job and studying for my up coming real estate exam. The exam is not my concern, but I am worrying more about the customers aspect; where the hell do I go to find customer??? But anyway, as a "Negotiator" I tend to worry too much about the future. Oh just in case you don't know, Negotiator is one of the main personality types. I highly recommend the book called Why Hime Why Her by Helen Fisher, discussing our personality traits and who is the ideal match ;)
I'm getting into real estate business. I have been busy with current job and studying for my up coming real estate exam. The exam is not my concern, but I am worrying more about the customers aspect; where the hell do I go to find customer??? But anyway, as a "Negotiator" I tend to worry too much about the future. Oh just in case you don't know, Negotiator is one of the main personality types. I highly recommend the book called Why Hime Why Her by Helen Fisher, discussing our personality traits and who is the ideal match ;)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
I haven't been eating home for quite a while. Today, after several days unattended, I opened my rice cooker and saw a horrible scene... maggots!! OMG, I don't know how could that happen. I guess because of the summer, heat, flies, and turned-over food I left in the cooker, turn into maggots :(
What a horrible sight! But from that, it led me to different thoughts; about life, and death. Not to be discourage, but when people die, there will be maggots ...and everyone die. No matter how rich, how poor, how good looking, how ugly, how tall, how fat, how popular or famous, everyone dies and that's the fact of life. No I'm not crazy telling you about nonsense stuffs; I'm trying to get into an experience I have encounter recently...
Last weekend, I went to a party -a biggest private party I've ever been to. The house was located on the shore of a bay, just a few steps and there was water. They also have a boat, equipped with appliances and everything. I took a harbor tour on the boats, along with 30s other people and the owner. Life is amazing! Everyone on earth is almost the same; we breath the same air (O2) eat cooked foods; we all have 24hrs a day, 365 days a year; yet how come somes are more successful than others. I guess success is hard to measure, but lets name two people: TA & TD.
- TA was a post office clerks for over 20 years; TD was an engineer but laid off, switch to real estate broker
- TA is a spiritual man going to church every Sunday; TD is a businessman openhouse every Sunday
- TA was married with 1 kid, and divorced wife left for a younger man; TD stilled married and 2 kids
- TA doesn't have a home, keep moving now and then; TD have a house by the beach hosting party twice a year
- TA doesn't have many friends and accepting mistreated sometimes; TD have many friends and connections
- TA never been on vacation outside the state, TD has been to many places, including outside US
- TA doesn't drink; TD had several DUIs
the list keep growing and growing. But at the end, I guess everyone will end up at the same place. Now, the question we should ask... why should we strike too high if we are gonna end up at the same place? ...or, no matter what, we all gonna end up at the same place so why not making the most meaning out of it and strike until our last breath?
What a horrible sight! But from that, it led me to different thoughts; about life, and death. Not to be discourage, but when people die, there will be maggots ...and everyone die. No matter how rich, how poor, how good looking, how ugly, how tall, how fat, how popular or famous, everyone dies and that's the fact of life. No I'm not crazy telling you about nonsense stuffs; I'm trying to get into an experience I have encounter recently...
Last weekend, I went to a party -a biggest private party I've ever been to. The house was located on the shore of a bay, just a few steps and there was water. They also have a boat, equipped with appliances and everything. I took a harbor tour on the boats, along with 30s other people and the owner. Life is amazing! Everyone on earth is almost the same; we breath the same air (O2) eat cooked foods; we all have 24hrs a day, 365 days a year; yet how come somes are more successful than others. I guess success is hard to measure, but lets name two people: TA & TD.
- TA was a post office clerks for over 20 years; TD was an engineer but laid off, switch to real estate broker
- TA is a spiritual man going to church every Sunday; TD is a businessman openhouse every Sunday
- TA was married with 1 kid, and divorced wife left for a younger man; TD stilled married and 2 kids
- TA doesn't have a home, keep moving now and then; TD have a house by the beach hosting party twice a year
- TA doesn't have many friends and accepting mistreated sometimes; TD have many friends and connections
- TA never been on vacation outside the state, TD has been to many places, including outside US
- TA doesn't drink; TD had several DUIs
the list keep growing and growing. But at the end, I guess everyone will end up at the same place. Now, the question we should ask... why should we strike too high if we are gonna end up at the same place? ...or, no matter what, we all gonna end up at the same place so why not making the most meaning out of it and strike until our last breath?
Monday, May 7, 2012
I think I have mental problem. It seems like I can't make up my mind. Too many ideas, thoughts, planning, too many things I want to try out and accomplish, but none is happening. First, I want to become a pharmacist because it fit my personality. Every customer that I met, thought that I'm a pharmacist and start venting their issues and I do want to get involve and help them. But at the same times, I want to embrace my creative side; I want to become a nameless actor (cuz asian doesn't have good value in Hollywood :( ...At the same time, I want to do something meaningful to Vietnamese community. I want to host Viet Speed Dating events. At the same time, I want to have the freedom of commission work by becoming a real estate agent. Then, I want to learn bartender cuz I want to open a night bar in the future. Gods, too many things to plan, yet I still haven't have a plan for my romantic love life.
Aycarambayaya! ...maybe, just maybe, I should find a gal, marry her, have a bunches of kids, and collecting well-fare money ...so not complicated right?
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Ca ro line
Have I ever told you that I'm very stubborn and hard headed? I mean, up until now, I still believe in faith and unconditional love. Yeh I know, it is getting super cheesy, so make sure you put on your cheese-goggle on before you continue reading ...lol
Now let's face it, there is nothing called "faith", all there is simply "statistic". Yup, that's right! The more things you do, the more you'll get better at it. Same thing goes with romance, the more interactions with people you have, the more chances you will find your match. Along with that, there is no such thing as "unconditional love". All there is lust, and the desire for gaining pleasure. Due to different biological, and psychological, men and women have different taste of attractions. Women are attracted to POWER. Yup, either men with muscle, men with money, men with high social status, men with political power, men with intelligent knowledge, men with fames, men with ...bla bla bla...anything that demonstrate power, are attracted to women. So IT IS always a condition for love
With all that being said, I'm still siting here and believing, somehow, Caroline is special than the others. Still find her high energy, up lifting laugh, positive attitude, crooked tooth, beautiful smile, and many little things,... are so beautiful ;)
Haha enough sugar crush for today, enjoy a cheesy song will ya?!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
How to root SKYTEX primer pocket and install Market
I'm so excited to tell you the good news. The good news is, you can root the Skytex Primer Pocket mini Android tablet, and install Google Market so you have the freedom to install more apps. Google has changed apps market to Play Store recently, but don't worry, the old Market will update itself. A picture says a thousand words.
The procedures is similar to the tutorial below, except it is for a different brand, Velocity Cruz Micro, but they have the same Android OS 2.2.1 so I think that is all it matter.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Toxic Relationships
(wow time fly. It has been 2 months since my last blog, anyway...)
Toxic relationships ...what is toxic relationship? Toxic relationship is a person in your life that have a negative influencing or limiting your ability to grow. Now what do I mean by grow? Yes, I mean growing, physically and psychologically. I'm not talking about my family because every since I moved out, they have less impact on me, literally. I'm talking about my current social circle.
Annie: she's a friend I met through the internet. She seems to be a nice person. But sometimes, being nice is not enough. She seem to lack the intellectual trait. She doesn't look bright and intelligence. She invites me out couples of times, and I said yes all the time, but I don't know what is the point of hanging out with her. It doesn't feel comfortable or fun to hang around with her. I think I'll start saying no to her :/
Tan: he's one of my roommate. He's quite older than me, almost double my age. He is a nice guy, and yes, nice guy always end last. His wife left him and for another guy, a younger guy. Nice guys are not actually nice guys. Most of the nice guys are guys with agenda, or in other words, they being nice because they don't have much to offer, or expecting something in return for being nice. They are being nice as nice-ness is an investment. Anyway, Tan doesn't have a negative influence on me, but it's a limiting to my grow so I think I'll start saying no to his invitation in the future :/
DaoNguyen: she is another roommate of me. She is too religiously rigid. She believe in "chu'a" too much. Her motivation for life is not joy, but to avoid pain. She eat only chicken and vegetables every single day because she thinks it's healthy regardless it's a poor diet and she get sick all the time. Most of the things she told me is beginning with "fear of this" or "fear of that"... i'll start saying not to her :/
Doug: he's my coworker. He's a man, maybe more manly than me, even thought he's shorter than me, but his actions are more determined. That's one thing I need to learn from him. But other than that, his perception is cripple. Again, he's a religious man. Now I don't have anything against religious people. I think religious is vital to men believe, but blindly believing in religious with no logically interpretation of one self, is wrong. Life is not one-size-fit-all kinda thing.
(yawning) ...and some more people.
I adopted the idea of "Yes man" where I would accept all the invitations from people, but so far, it has not working out. Gods, why is it so hard to find a healthy social circle. Well probably not that hard, but it's just , I haven't found the right one yet :)
Toxic relationships ...what is toxic relationship? Toxic relationship is a person in your life that have a negative influencing or limiting your ability to grow. Now what do I mean by grow? Yes, I mean growing, physically and psychologically. I'm not talking about my family because every since I moved out, they have less impact on me, literally. I'm talking about my current social circle.
Annie: she's a friend I met through the internet. She seems to be a nice person. But sometimes, being nice is not enough. She seem to lack the intellectual trait. She doesn't look bright and intelligence. She invites me out couples of times, and I said yes all the time, but I don't know what is the point of hanging out with her. It doesn't feel comfortable or fun to hang around with her. I think I'll start saying no to her :/
Tan: he's one of my roommate. He's quite older than me, almost double my age. He is a nice guy, and yes, nice guy always end last. His wife left him and for another guy, a younger guy. Nice guys are not actually nice guys. Most of the nice guys are guys with agenda, or in other words, they being nice because they don't have much to offer, or expecting something in return for being nice. They are being nice as nice-ness is an investment. Anyway, Tan doesn't have a negative influence on me, but it's a limiting to my grow so I think I'll start saying no to his invitation in the future :/
DaoNguyen: she is another roommate of me. She is too religiously rigid. She believe in "chu'a" too much. Her motivation for life is not joy, but to avoid pain. She eat only chicken and vegetables every single day because she thinks it's healthy regardless it's a poor diet and she get sick all the time. Most of the things she told me is beginning with "fear of this" or "fear of that"... i'll start saying not to her :/
Doug: he's my coworker. He's a man, maybe more manly than me, even thought he's shorter than me, but his actions are more determined. That's one thing I need to learn from him. But other than that, his perception is cripple. Again, he's a religious man. Now I don't have anything against religious people. I think religious is vital to men believe, but blindly believing in religious with no logically interpretation of one self, is wrong. Life is not one-size-fit-all kinda thing.
(yawning) ...and some more people.
I adopted the idea of "Yes man" where I would accept all the invitations from people, but so far, it has not working out. Gods, why is it so hard to find a healthy social circle. Well probably not that hard, but it's just , I haven't found the right one yet :)
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Velocity Cruz T103 Issues and Solutions
(This is NOT a tutorial, it's more like a note to myself so that I can recall information later as I need it. For full tutorial, please visit the link at the bottom of this blog)
My issues with this tablet Velocity Cruz were:
1) No "Market" to search or install new apps, "Cruz Market" sucks doesn't have any update
2) Too many junks apps pre-installed
3) Unpredictable touch-screen respond, sometimes it keep pulling down the notification regardless
4) Sometimes it's frozen and not respond unless battery is removed
5) It's too heavy
Well while a machine can't exercise and lose some weight, its performance certainly can be improved by some modifications.
First step: install AndroidSDK platform to the computer PC
Second: check tablet's setting make sure "Debug mode" has been checked
Third: copy apk files to "platform-tools" folder
Fourth: connect USB and execute following commands in "platform-tools"
adb devices
if "adb devices" yields "???????? no permissions" then run
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb devices
adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
adb shell cat /system/bin/sh > /system/bin/su
adb shell chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
adb shell sync
adb reboot
adb remount
adb shell rm /system/app/ASTRO_2_5_3-70-foxconn.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/com.anddoes.fancywidget-1.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/com.workpail.inkpad.notepad.notes.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/CruzMarket.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/CruzSync-release-2010-07-10.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/CruzUserGuide.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/DreyeForAndroidTablet.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/ebuddy-android-live-20100720.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/facebook-mobile-v1.1.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/LiveWallpapers.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/LiveWallpapersPicker.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/MobileSudokuFree.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/Napster-Phone-1544-vmicro.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/OfficeSuite_Full_1.5_282.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/Solitaire_1.12.1.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/Term.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/TwidroydFree344-final-rev1.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/UerWallpapers.apk
adb shell sync
adb reboot
adb remount
adb push AppWidgetPicker.apk /system/app/AppWidgetPicker.apk
adb push BooksPhone.apk /system/app/Booksphone.apk
adb push Facebook.apk /system/app/Facebook.apk
adb push FileManager.apk /system/app/FileManager.apk
adb push GoogleBackupTransport.apk /system/app/GoogleBackupTransport.apk
adb push GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk /system/app/GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk
adb push GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk /system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk
adb push GoogleFeedback.apk /system/app/GoogleFeedback.apk
adb push GooglePartnerSetup.apk /system/app/GooglePartnerSetup.apk
adb push GoogleServicesFramework.apk /system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk
adb push kickback.apk /system/app/kickback.apk
adb push Maps.apk /system/app/Maps.apk
adb push MediaUploader.apk /system/app/MediaUploader.apk
adb push NetworkLocation.apk /system/app/NetworkLocation.apk
adb push OneTimeInitializer.apk /system/app/OneTimeInitializer.apk
adb push QuickSearchBox.apk /system/app/QuickSearchBox.apk
adb push MarketUpdater.apk /system/app/MarketUpdater.apk
adb push soundback.apk /system/app/soundback.apk
adb push SpareParts.apk /system/app/SpareParts.apk
adb push Talk.apk /system/app/Talk.apk
adb push Twitter.apk /system/app/Twitter.apk
adb push Vending.apk /system/app/Vending.apk
adb push YouTube.apk /system/app/YouTube.apk
adb reboot
Velocity Cruz T10x/T301 Rooting and Improving Tutorial
My issues with this tablet Velocity Cruz were:
1) No "Market" to search or install new apps, "Cruz Market" sucks doesn't have any update
2) Too many junks apps pre-installed
3) Unpredictable touch-screen respond, sometimes it keep pulling down the notification regardless
4) Sometimes it's frozen and not respond unless battery is removed
5) It's too heavy
Well while a machine can't exercise and lose some weight, its performance certainly can be improved by some modifications.
First step: install AndroidSDK platform to the computer PC
Second: check tablet's setting make sure "Debug mode" has been checked
Third: copy apk files to "platform-tools" folder
Fourth: connect USB and execute following commands in "platform-tools"
adb devices
if "adb devices" yields "???????? no permissions" then run
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb devices
adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
adb shell cat /system/bin/sh > /system/bin/su
adb shell chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
adb shell sync
adb reboot
adb remount
adb shell rm /system/app/ASTRO_2_5_3-70-foxconn.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/com.anddoes.fancywidget-1.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/com.workpail.inkpad.notepad.notes.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/CruzMarket.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/CruzSync-release-2010-07-10.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/CruzUserGuide.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/DreyeForAndroidTablet.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/ebuddy-android-live-20100720.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/facebook-mobile-v1.1.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/LiveWallpapers.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/LiveWallpapersPicker.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/MobileSudokuFree.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/Napster-Phone-1544-vmicro.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/OfficeSuite_Full_1.5_282.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/Solitaire_1.12.1.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/Term.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/TwidroydFree344-final-rev1.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/UerWallpapers.apk
adb shell sync
adb reboot
adb remount
adb push AppWidgetPicker.apk /system/app/AppWidgetPicker.apk
adb push BooksPhone.apk /system/app/Booksphone.apk
adb push Facebook.apk /system/app/Facebook.apk
adb push FileManager.apk /system/app/FileManager.apk
adb push GoogleBackupTransport.apk /system/app/GoogleBackupTransport.apk
adb push GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk /system/app/GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk
adb push GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk /system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk
adb push GoogleFeedback.apk /system/app/GoogleFeedback.apk
adb push GooglePartnerSetup.apk /system/app/GooglePartnerSetup.apk
adb push GoogleServicesFramework.apk /system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk
adb push kickback.apk /system/app/kickback.apk
adb push Maps.apk /system/app/Maps.apk
adb push MediaUploader.apk /system/app/MediaUploader.apk
adb push NetworkLocation.apk /system/app/NetworkLocation.apk
adb push OneTimeInitializer.apk /system/app/OneTimeInitializer.apk
adb push QuickSearchBox.apk /system/app/QuickSearchBox.apk
adb push MarketUpdater.apk /system/app/MarketUpdater.apk
adb push soundback.apk /system/app/soundback.apk
adb push SpareParts.apk /system/app/SpareParts.apk
adb push Talk.apk /system/app/Talk.apk
adb push Twitter.apk /system/app/Twitter.apk
adb push Vending.apk /system/app/Vending.apk
adb push YouTube.apk /system/app/YouTube.apk
adb reboot
Velocity Cruz T10x/T301 Rooting and Improving Tutorial
Saturday, January 7, 2012
not in the moment
i finally realized that I spend too much time in my head, analyzing and criticising too much, rather than immersing myself into the moment of life. It may sound vase, cuz it is vase and I'm not sure what the hell I am talking right now hahah, but lets put it this way... I'm fail to tap into the present time; either I dwelling on the past too much, or planning out too far for the future, yet the moment of living is right now, at this very second of time. I tend to let opportunities go by, not seizing the moment, or not sharp enough to grasp it. Actually, it's considered a form of intelligent; I'm not sure what to call it, but it is the ability to react fast in every situation in the most desirable way. I feel so dumb :( but it's ok cuz everything will get better if we keep improving it, and I'm sure I will do exceptionally fine in the near future :)
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