Friday, April 5, 2013


For such a long time, the question (or idea) of meaning/purpose of life had stuck in my mind. It's like a herpes virus; it doesn't go away; it may disappear or forgotten for a while, but then it would come back, more vigorously, then go away, and then coming back when I'm weak, drowning and drowning in negative emotion... and there it is, again, the same old pattern of thinking. Like a nightmare, it haunted me. Like a cloud, hanging over my head that fogging my thoughts and judgement. ...WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE? why are we here on Earth? why am I who I am but not someones else? Where is the manual for my life? ...(now that last question is kinda nerdy, but it kinda hit the spot :D )

There is no fucking meaning of life. There is no manual for one's life. I mean if there is a manual for my life, then I'm a robot, not human. AND I'm a human being! Life is what I am creating. My purpose of life is what I'm creating. Now, think about it. If you are running around, chasing after your own shadow, will you catch it? I don't think so.  Instead, turn around and start walking, your shadow will follow you. Ok, that analogy is kinda dump and stupid. But how about this, life is like walking on the beach. Every footstep that you take, you are leaving a footprint behind. That's it! Life is a collection of footprints. Maybe we are alien sent to earth to collection infos. Everyone create their own collection of footprints of possibilities and then report them to gods when we go to heaven. It doesn't matter. ALL it matters is I am creating meaning of my life. Actions speak louder than words. It's time to take actions and stop asking about stupid questions that others planted in our head. Peace!

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