Sunday, June 8, 2014

Dating Tips: Never tell a women, she's beautiful

Yes, it is so obvious. But I ran into the same mistake over and over again. And finally I got it. I understand why men should never tell a women she's beautiful (unless after you have sex with her)

As men, we hate it! We hate the gray area, as we are usually black and white. We wired with either Yes or No answer. Ask me why? ...I simply don't know. It's a psychology thing. I read numerous books of dating tips, trick and tacktics, but none of them actually go further and explain why, what are the reason behind each advice. As of today, I will try to explain why men should never tell a women she's beautiful before you have a sexual relationship with her.

You see, women doesn't care how you feel. That's right! She never interested in being "your girl friend", but rather, she want to know how is it going to be, to have you as her boyfriend. Other word, what are you going to bring into the relationship with her, and the tipping point is sex. [News flag here: don't believe what women say; what they say is rational, not true force that driving her to action. She may says one thing, and do a totally different thing. Is that mean she's a liar? leave your comment]

So, when a women agree to have sex with you, that is when she totally trusted you and allow you to breed her eggs, that is when you can tell her she is beautiful, or how much you miss her, or how you feel yada yada... But until then, if you tell her before the tipping point, her intuition will raise up and and kill every bit of attraction she initially had for you. Why? Because of ...INTUITION!

Because we don't believe everything we heard. Think about: billboards, ads, TVs, Youtubes, Commercials... we are bombarded with million messages every day. Do you believe all of them? You don't! How can you blame a women for not believing what you are saying? And why are you saying it? You really truly honestly deadly 1000% saying "You are beautiful" just to express a compliment, or you saying it with a expectation that she will go wild and have sex with you? Naive! She heard it thousands times already.

Why can we compliment she's beautiful after sex? because actions are bigger than words. Does that make sense? If you are not turn on by a women, could you have sex with her? (Unless you're on Viagra). So sex express deep interest on a women, and it means she is beautiful in your eyes. Actions are bigger than words! Words after action are just credits after a movies. Got it?
By no mean I'm sharing tips for tricking women into to bed, there is no trickery here. Nor suggesting, forcing women in bed and then tell her she's beautiful. Such behavior are outlaw and should be punish to the highest penalty. But I'm just saying, to those of man who truly in love a woman, where you find her flaws are beautiful and adorable; or you loving someone not by the pre-conception of the "perfect women" or "perfect men" or "Supermodel women" you found on the swimsuit edition. But to those who sincerely find women you love beautiful for who they are, you should never directly compliment her "You are beautiful" too early because it will diminish the attraction's level within her. Of course, there is a saying "Never say never" but base on my personal experience, I would say ...NEVER!

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