Monday, July 7, 2014

Dating tips: Never tell a women that you like/love too early

That's right! Have you ever told anyone that you like someone and then feeling awkward? Have you ever wonder why??? It's simple! Emotion and logic don't mix!
As a guy with analytically personality, I always asking the question "Why?" Sometimes it's is a bad habit, because you don't need to know anything in life. You don't need to know how it work, just work it! But just for the sake of my personality, today I'm going to talk about why you should not verbally tell someone you like them (romantically) because it will not going to turn out the way you wanted.

Love/like/impression... emotion are non-logical. It is being wired into left-side of your brain. Verbal/info/literature... logical are being controlled by your right-side of your brain.

A situation I experienced recently is, I miss her, I want to talk to her. But when I call her, I have nothing to say and the phone go silent of awkwardness. Emotionally, I miss her, but when I start talking, logic kick in and ruining the emotion. It's weird how our brain are wired. But nothing we can do, just accept it like it is.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Doing the right thing...not easy

"Proximity: a physical distance between two people"
If you pay attention, you can sense whether a women is interested in you, through proximity.

Strange enough, lately I can sense a close proximity from my sister in law, and it is freaking me out. I hope my sensor is wrong, but if it is correct, we have a major problem.
Recently, I'm recovering from a from a post-infidelity of a married women at work. Meaning, I separated myself from her before drowning into her sphere of fuck buddies. It wasn't easy, i'm telling ya. Sexual temptation is one of the most powerful force of nature. It can be a torture, one side is moral, and the other side is sexual desire. Even until now, I still feel regret that I didn't take the chance and grab it when I was working with her. I started to make up excuses, such as: well her husband is out of the country, so having sex with her is just therapeutic sex to help her; or she deserves someones better than her husband; or she is currently having affairs with someones so i'm not the only person... the list go on and on. But at the end of the day, when I close my eyes and listen to the sound of silent, my mind go to the most peaceful place, where I find myself standing up like a man without guilt without resentful, I know I have done the right thing.
Maybe it is a good time to move out of the family and start living independently by myself, rather than sharing the bills with my brother. Perhaps, it is time for me to build my own little family. Peace!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Dating Tips: Never tell a women, she's beautiful

Yes, it is so obvious. But I ran into the same mistake over and over again. And finally I got it. I understand why men should never tell a women she's beautiful (unless after you have sex with her)

As men, we hate it! We hate the gray area, as we are usually black and white. We wired with either Yes or No answer. Ask me why? ...I simply don't know. It's a psychology thing. I read numerous books of dating tips, trick and tacktics, but none of them actually go further and explain why, what are the reason behind each advice. As of today, I will try to explain why men should never tell a women she's beautiful before you have a sexual relationship with her.

You see, women doesn't care how you feel. That's right! She never interested in being "your girl friend", but rather, she want to know how is it going to be, to have you as her boyfriend. Other word, what are you going to bring into the relationship with her, and the tipping point is sex. [News flag here: don't believe what women say; what they say is rational, not true force that driving her to action. She may says one thing, and do a totally different thing. Is that mean she's a liar? leave your comment]

So, when a women agree to have sex with you, that is when she totally trusted you and allow you to breed her eggs, that is when you can tell her she is beautiful, or how much you miss her, or how you feel yada yada... But until then, if you tell her before the tipping point, her intuition will raise up and and kill every bit of attraction she initially had for you. Why? Because of ...INTUITION!

Because we don't believe everything we heard. Think about: billboards, ads, TVs, Youtubes, Commercials... we are bombarded with million messages every day. Do you believe all of them? You don't! How can you blame a women for not believing what you are saying? And why are you saying it? You really truly honestly deadly 1000% saying "You are beautiful" just to express a compliment, or you saying it with a expectation that she will go wild and have sex with you? Naive! She heard it thousands times already.

Why can we compliment she's beautiful after sex? because actions are bigger than words. Does that make sense? If you are not turn on by a women, could you have sex with her? (Unless you're on Viagra). So sex express deep interest on a women, and it means she is beautiful in your eyes. Actions are bigger than words! Words after action are just credits after a movies. Got it?
By no mean I'm sharing tips for tricking women into to bed, there is no trickery here. Nor suggesting, forcing women in bed and then tell her she's beautiful. Such behavior are outlaw and should be punish to the highest penalty. But I'm just saying, to those of man who truly in love a woman, where you find her flaws are beautiful and adorable; or you loving someone not by the pre-conception of the "perfect women" or "perfect men" or "Supermodel women" you found on the swimsuit edition. But to those who sincerely find women you love beautiful for who they are, you should never directly compliment her "You are beautiful" too early because it will diminish the attraction's level within her. Of course, there is a saying "Never say never" but base on my personal experience, I would say ...NEVER!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Emotion is non-logical process

...what the fuck!
I don't understand! maybe it's something not for understanding purpose. I have that anxiety, again! Let's start from the beginning...

I have been entering in business for a while now, almost a year. Been partnering with a more experience broker. She is fairly young, well, 8 years older than me, has 2 kids. Her husband is absence oversea for some legal issue. For that very reason, I always trying to keep a distance from her, physically and emotionally. We never touch, never joking or flirting around. Sometimes thought, I feel her pain and sorrow. Single mom, taking care 2 kids, supporting the whole family and husband oversea. I think sometimes she feel lost and relying on religious to keep her spirit strong. Especially in the business field, that not an easy task. Occasionally, I try to inspire her by giving her recognition.

But lately, something may happen... but anyhow, not my business...

I'm standing on the sideline, as a third person, observing as a movies unfold.  But one thing I don't understand... why am I having a rush of anxiety, hotflush, and emotionally about it. Whatever happening is none of my business. but I can't focus. I feel worry, nervous, uneasy and my thoughts wandering. I think, I am jealousing... WHY?
Right now, as I am thinking more about it, I'm more confused. Perhaps, it's nothing but the FEAR OF LOST. Maybe that's it!! It is not feelings or any of those fairy tale stuffs, just a psychological behavior associated to FEAR OF LOST, wooohoo! mystery solved .......i think

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

million-dollars smile!

how could i ever describe her million-dollars smile?'s a miracle, it's warm, it's sincere, it's uplifting, it's a big beautiful sparkling smile that jumpstart my heart. BEATING BEATING FASTER FAST...

Oh wow, it's been a while since i visit my little cheesy blog :D
All this real estate career thing has turned me into a robot of making logical decision. Yup, there are 2 kind of decisions: logical decision and emotional decision. Most business are logical decision, because it aims toward productivity and profit.
But today, after interacting with her, a sensation of "zero" time and space ...HAVE YOU ever experience that feeling??? the feeling of worry-less, no concern of the past, no thinking of the future, all it matter is that very moment :)

Must admit, I am sexually attracted to busty women. What do I mean by busty women? women with nice hip, round ass, big breast, big a pornstar (got the picture now?) lol but that sexual hard-on sensation go away after ejaculation. I mean literally.
But the "zero" gravity sensation from a million-dollars smile, OMG it lasts for dayssss

I miss your smile,
Oh my mind,
Just wonder why,
million-dollars smile,
let it shines,
maybe next time,
I'll ask you... to be mine!

Friday, April 5, 2013


For such a long time, the question (or idea) of meaning/purpose of life had stuck in my mind. It's like a herpes virus; it doesn't go away; it may disappear or forgotten for a while, but then it would come back, more vigorously, then go away, and then coming back when I'm weak, drowning and drowning in negative emotion... and there it is, again, the same old pattern of thinking. Like a nightmare, it haunted me. Like a cloud, hanging over my head that fogging my thoughts and judgement. ...WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE? why are we here on Earth? why am I who I am but not someones else? Where is the manual for my life? ...(now that last question is kinda nerdy, but it kinda hit the spot :D )

There is no fucking meaning of life. There is no manual for one's life. I mean if there is a manual for my life, then I'm a robot, not human. AND I'm a human being! Life is what I am creating. My purpose of life is what I'm creating. Now, think about it. If you are running around, chasing after your own shadow, will you catch it? I don't think so.  Instead, turn around and start walking, your shadow will follow you. Ok, that analogy is kinda dump and stupid. But how about this, life is like walking on the beach. Every footstep that you take, you are leaving a footprint behind. That's it! Life is a collection of footprints. Maybe we are alien sent to earth to collection infos. Everyone create their own collection of footprints of possibilities and then report them to gods when we go to heaven. It doesn't matter. ALL it matters is I am creating meaning of my life. Actions speak louder than words. It's time to take actions and stop asking about stupid questions that others planted in our head. Peace!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


It is ashamed to admit that I'm a weak person. SInce this is a cheesy blog, i'm just focusing on the cheesy topic of emotion. It has been 20 days since the day of the outbreak. The after affect is still resounding, but it's quickly fading away. Honestly, I developed some sort of anxiety every since, but it is getting better. This is the second major heart broken experience since J-lo experience 8 years ago. OMG! but the main thing is i'm learning from my mistake and improving in the years to come ;)

- It is an early rejection, meaning i'm not too drown into it yet
- The recovery time is much shorter than last time
- See things and understand it more fully this time
- Know myself better and know what I want
- Shaved my head and it feels great :D
- Intuition is always right, sometimes it just has not happen yet

- Bad timing because of too many tasks, career, family
- Invested too much in my head
- Not man enough to face my truth desire
- Need to be more assertive
- Not socially intelligent
- Did not seize the moment
- Early gift is a wasted of time and money
- Too logical, too deep

Wohoo! I let it out of my system. What a relieve!