Thursday, February 28, 2013

Poor girl

I am writing on my own experience, or my life as you will. It's about someone I like. She is young and beautiful, as a flower. And this flower is about to be stepped on by others, an older man to be exact :/
Seeing it under my nose, an married 40 years old man, flirting with 22 years old girl. Why older man? because they are older and full of experience. What experience you may ask... attracting naive young girls. The process are simple: attraction (smile, jokes), rapport (telling stories, share interest), seduction (using emotional words, sexual flirtation), comfort (false promises, private places)

It makes me sad, when seeing someones to fall for such obvious trap. And the future of an broken family is about to erupt. Perhaps I'm not in the 40s so I don't know. Perhaps after married for a while, people lost interest and hungry for cheating and affairs. Perhaps I will be there at that position one day :( ....only the victims are, those innocent children who involved ...involuntarily :/


Friday, February 1, 2013


Does love usually go together with jealousy? when you seeing someone you like being happy with someone else, your heart start beating faster, thrusting anger to your head, then following by sadness... jealousy, is that love? does love guarantee ownership? when we love someone, do we have to own their body and soul? why seeing someone happy make us sad if we are not the one providing the happiness? is it not love then? what is it? what the fuck is love? is love measurable? does love last over time? is love logical? or is it just a by-product of infatuation?  does love come and go? is jealousy a bad thing? who define "bad"? ...shit i hate emotion, better to be a monk :/