Tuesday, July 21, 2009

There's something about J-lo

So I watched an old comedy movies today called “There’s Something About Mary" (1998)

I'm not a big fan of Ben Stiller's movies, but this movies was kinda ironicly funny. The guy in the movies had a crush on a girl since high school prom. He never met her again for 13 years, but he still keep thinking of her every day. He hired a spy to stalk on her, then the spy started having obsession about her, then it turned out there are couple more guys having absession about her. They all have one thing in common; they are all stalkers lol.

It's funny because I'm a stalker too lol, a harmless one of course :)

Every since I had the obsession for Jen(J-lo) couple years ago (5 years to be exact), I keep thinking about her every minute, every second, every day. I don't know what I think, but I just think. Think about some happy memories, happy moments, think about her cute smile, shiny eyes, fuzzy hair, or even about acne on her face lol...then back reality, wonder what is she doing? How is her architect school? Whom is she with? Is she happy? How would it be now if I had make a move 5 years ago? Who will bring more happiness to her? me or him? ...somehow, I got a feeling that she is being with her current bf just to avoid other guys hitting on her because the guy is a pure Christian guy who commits never have sex until he married. I wonder if she really like him, or she just waiting for someone... someone who gave her some chocolate and Christmas card to make her happy :) someone whom starred at each other eyes until the door slowly shutted.

Movies is a big fat liar compare to reality. Every movies has a happy ending, no matter how long they wait for each others. But in reality, every day of missing someone is a cloudy day, full of sorrow and sadness. 1825days=43800hrs=2628000 minutes of day-dreaming lol. Maybe I just Email her (liftmy...@) and tell her hahaha...yeh no, getting email from someone who haven't talked to for 5 years in a little creepy, isn't it? lol

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