So after several months of leaking and dripping, I finally took my car to a mechanic to be fixed. Aycaramba!! ....$250 on Visa/Master card :/ The auto part cost only $30, but labor was $220 ...what a ripoff. Anyway, as you've already known, this is a cheesy blog, so there's must be somthing cheesy lol
So while waiting for my car to be fixed, I met this beautiful tall girl, who happen to wait for her car to be fixed. Anyway, I tried to make conversation but ....I fail :"(
There was a dead silent awkwardness moment that so embarassing to talk about hahaha ....awkward! I didn't know what is was, or whom it was. Maybe it was me who trying too hard and cought up in the momentum of silent; or maybe it was her who doesn't have a social skill hahaha. Either way, we exchange some dry questions and answers, and the energy died off in silent. I'm trying not to look at it as a failure, but rather than, a lesson to learn for future social success :)
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