Sunday, December 25, 2011

good time at Yard House Xmas2011

my mom and me on Xmas2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

the Intern

Isn't there a quote somewhere, saying that "Something can go wrong, it will probably go wrong" ??? I think it called Murphy's law or something. Anyway, let me stretching my cheesy muscle, then we gonna get started ....ok

So there is an intern student joining my store not too long ago. I thought she is going to stay for a while, or at least, after Christmas. But as it turned out, she left last Wednesday :(
I guess I just have to keep the Christmas gift; the one I bought for her; and every cheesy tipis talks I could think of. See, things never go the way I planned. Maybe I spend too much time thinking and not doing. This problem can be easily avoided by just simply enjoy the moment of the present, rather than planning what to happen in the future cuz there are millions of possibilities can happen.
I really like her simple mind :) her "oh oh" :) her short hair :) her kid-like personality :) I wish she will stay the same cuz it's beautiful in an innocent way; hope she won't be jaded after all the things she will go through in her life ahead, cuz life can be rough and mistreated sometimes :/

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Chi & Em

I have a terrible social skill. I guess I can blame it on my mental stage where I keep holding on to my old point of view. I have forgotten the fact that I'm no longer a kid. For example, when I approach a conversation with a women, I will refer to me as "con" and call her "co^" or "ba'c". But in fact, she is only in her 40s. Same thing, when I approach a girl, I'll call her "chi" but she is younger than me. Women are extremely sensitive to their age and some will actually be upset if I refer to her older than her age. The other day, a woman got grouchy because I call her "co^" ....aycaramba, women women women!! :/

Friday, November 11, 2011

The mechanic

So after several months of leaking and dripping, I finally took my car to a mechanic to be fixed. Aycaramba!! ....$250 on Visa/Master card :/ The auto part cost only $30, but labor was $220 ...what a ripoff. Anyway, as you've already known, this is a cheesy blog, so there's must be somthing cheesy lol
So while waiting for my car to be fixed, I met this beautiful tall girl, who happen to wait for her car to be fixed. Anyway, I tried to make conversation but ....I fail :"(
There was a dead silent awkwardness moment that so embarassing to talk about hahaha ....awkward! I didn't know what is was, or whom it was. Maybe it was me who trying too hard and cought up in the momentum of silent; or maybe it was her who doesn't have a social skill hahaha. Either way, we exchange some dry questions and answers, and the energy died off in silent. I'm trying not to look at it as a failure, but rather than, a lesson to learn for future social success :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Khi co' anh va em (piano vid)

One thing I like about piano music is that I can insert my own lyric into the song. Like this song, River Flow in You, doesn't make sense, but certain part of it sound like "Khi co' anh va em la` la' la`..." I'm kinda cheesy huh? well, it is my cheesy blog :D

Sunday, October 23, 2011

stupid thoughts...

So I finally move on to a different store after being with the company for 3 years. OMG, that's 3 years of my life; 3 years of unproductive times, well beside working. Anyway, among everything, there's only one thing that I will miss the most. Well, I'm talking about feelings here, kinda cheesy to talk about :D ...this one co-worker that I rarely work with. I have only spent total of 3 days working with her, but somehow I always excited to see here again, but I won't :(

I like her Korean eyes when she talk to me, always looking away like she's afraid confront eyes contact. I think she's just being shy or lack of confident, but it's ok, no one is perfect. I like her lipps, her pony tail hair, her giant glasses that make her look dorky lol. Eventhought she's around my age, she still have that uncetainty vibes of a teenager, I think it's very cute, in an innocent way. I can sitting here at 2am right now and go on and on about countless things I like about her, or how I felt everytime I met her; Sometimes I wish if there was a strong earthquake strike when I was working with her, so I could run to her and protect her, to be her hero hahaha ...stupid thought!

I don't know what it is, but I miss that feeling; The feeling of giving up myself for someone I like; not for her ass or her boobs or anything sexually, but for a pleasan smile when I think about her...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

better or worse...

Time fly...
It has been 12 days since the day I moved away from home, not to far away, only 2 hours away. I remember how exited I was couples days after I moved. I texted my friend and said "The smell of freedom is magnificent" NOW, that feeling seem to slowly die off. Too busy with work and daily routine, I tend to forget the reason I move, which is --to expand my social experience. What experience? I asked myself. I'm not sure if this was a good idea or not. All I know is, there will be some rough times I have to overcome, especially at work. Ok, it's time for work related venting time LOL ...(maybe another day)

Living condition-wise, I can't complain. The room I'm sharing right now is dirt cheap, only $300/month, that's $10 a day for everything, including water, electricity, someone to clean the bath room and turn on/off heater at night for me lol. It's a private room with utilities and free WIFI included. Lol, don't you love the term "FREE WIFI" everywhere nowaday to make it sound better, kinda lame... anyway, the only inconvenience is that NO COOKING ALLOW, meaning I have to eat out 24/7 D: I'll soon posting pictures of my daily meals. It's not too bad because now that I'm taking care of myself, well I better be, eating healthy quality foods, otherwise I have no one to blame for but myself

Until next times, eating healthy foods and remember happy, be healthy, and be pretty!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Leaving the nipple

It is gross to think about those years that I was sucking on to my mom's nipples ( ewww lol ) or even on baby bottles for gods shakes. I'm talking about my babyhood of course :) ...but at certain time in those baby time, I had to push away those nipples and step into children-hood. And once again, I have to leave everything and stepping into adulthood; only this time, I'm pushing away from home :/

Entropy law state that, anything in the universe tend to move toward disorder; meaning, everything in in life will eventually falling apart over time. Nothing will last forever, and so does my family. I'm talking about my family which I have been with in my whole life. But in order to thrive and survive, I need to move away and start building my own family... (i'm feeling blue, will cont :/ )

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Wake-up call ...from Gods

I laughed at myself as I named this tittle, because I've never believed in gods. I believed more in science because every scientific argument has solid proof. Or, I believe more in taking actions with plans executed correctly to yield precise outcomes that match the predictions. In other words, I don't believe in relying on chances that are given by god, but rather chances that we created. But lately, all that thinking have been changed.

Like a computer, we are created with a physical body (hardware) and mental mind (software) that control our activities. We don't function well without our physical health, and we don't thrive without a clear mind, or a believe system that help us determine what we're doing. And for a long time, I have been on auto-pilot, or even lost... philosophically. But lately, by listening to many ebooks, have help me shape up my thinking, I find myself more motivated and determined. From life experience, to dating, to finance, to social skills, to health... It is like, god is giving me guidance, or secretly reminding me specifically. Because apparently, I made countless copies of these ebooks that I have and given them to my brother, or my friends, none of them seem to pay attention nor appreciate their value. Perhaps, it's just me who needed guidance and found advises to be useful; or perhaps god is specifically helping me ...or perhaps... it's just a coincidence LOL

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Rhythm of life (dedicated to Kimee)

Perhaps it's a disease, a mental disorder, or a psychological bug that scrawled into my mind and fed on my thoughts. Or maybe, it's a mental stage that I'm stumbling into as part of of my growing-up process. Whatever it it, I still haven't find it yet ...the purpose of life.

"The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living" --Socrates
I guess I'm not alone in this journey so called "life". Many people from many generations, different backgrounds, different cultures, different continents on Earth, have wondered about the meaning of life. And of course, Kimee too :D ...Anyway, this is an audio book (Audible mp3) that I stumbled into not too long ago. It's called The Rhythm of Life, written by Mathew Kelly who described his experience during his young adulthood when he paused and started pounding about his "purpose of life". The whole audiobook is about 9 hours long. It was quite interesting, philosophy-wise.

Download link:

Monday, May 30, 2011

CanDanBoQuen (piano)

Well, this is not really a full song lol. I overheard this song the other day, and the melody stuck in my head. The original version of this song on youtube is kinda sad :(

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Di choi Seaworld voi family (vid)

Download link: (267mb)

As much as I love hanging out with my family, I also hate it. I hate to have a strong bond with my family, especially my mom. My mom works hard, harder than my dad, and all she ever wished for is for me and my brother to be successful in life. And yet I haven't fulfill her wish :(
Successful is vast. It can be vary from many areas; financial, social, career, to having beautiful wife and kids. Whatever it is, I have to evaluate and determine my own goal and the ultimate purpose of life. Until then, I keep having this shameful and disappointed in myself for unfulfilling my mom's hope.

Anyway, here's a fully edited video if you'd like to know my family. It's scaled to smaller size for upload/download convenience :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

My first time to Sea World San Diego (vid)

This is my first time been to Sea World San Diego, love it! Amazing how they train those fishes!
Captured with my phone's camera in HD, but quality decreased after upload :/

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Import from SIM to Android's contacts

Recently, I'm switching to a new phone, and I ran into an issue with migrating contacts from an old SIM card to the new Android phone. There's would be no problem if both of them are Android phone, because I can upload old contacts to Gmail and sync them back to the new one; Or I can just export to the SD card to (.vcf) file and import to the new phone again. But the problem was, my old phone was an old feature phone, not a smartphone, so there's noway to import/export to (.vcf) file. Lucky enough, it can copy all contacts to the SIM card, but for some reason, my new Android phone would not import those contacts even though it recognize and seeing those contacts. Anyway, here is the solution:

Under contacts, press menu, the import/export, and select Import from SIM card as below

BUT BEFORE YOU DO THAT, make sure the "Auto-sync" in account setting is checked. That was the problem that prevent the Android to import contacts from SIM card. I guess the explanation is, Android want to sync every new piece of information to Gmail. If not, it won't do it. I guess it want to collect every little piece of personal information from us so someday it will take over the world D:

Monday, April 25, 2011


WiiFM is a station that many many people tuning into every day. That's including you, me, and almost every one else on earth. WiiFM broadcast in a wide range, and it doesn't discriminate anyone. WiiFM stand for "What's in it For Me" It's a new term that I've learned recently from a speech course :/

Why am I talking about WiiFM? here's it goes again. It's all about friendship and relationship and all those cheesy stuffs. It's about a friend of mine, who dumped her bf for a week, then went on a dating another guy. At first, I thought she was "really" sad about her breakup. I was too naive to believe that she was emotionally weak and too vulnerable for a new relationship because she might not thinking it thoroughly, and because I'm always taking relationship seriously, so I kept texting her and remind her not to start a new realtionship, not until her emotion is stable and ensure that she's ready. But as it turned out, I was a fool; a fool to believe her the whole time. The whole breakup thing was carefully planned out. She found the new guy and secretly dating him BEFORE she even break up with her existing boyfriend. It's a form of cheating, but at a mild level I guess. It was just an act, acting to be sad, and I played the role of the witness.

It disappointed me. Not only because she lied to me (well not exactly lying, but not telling the whole truth lol) but also about the concept of love and relationship. I guess there's no such thing as true love and unconditional love. Love only exist in motion pictures and love novels :( . In real life, love is like a car, where people can change ownership and trade in for a new model. Heck yeh, people even test drive the new relationship to make sure it's ok before dumping the old one. People will always tune into WiiFM to make sure everything benefit themselves the most. I don't know who to believe anymore, anything people say can be a lie. Heck yeh, even sometimes I lie to myself. Maybe I was disappointed is because it did not benefit me. Maybe I advised her to take some cool off time so that I can ask her out for a date lol. Whatever it is, I just take it as a lesson of life and moving on, and lets not losing hope about love and the true ascent of love :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How to reset Yamaha YPG-640 / 635

I spent hours digging on the web, trying to search for "Factory reset for Yamaha YPG 640 piano" but ironically, the answer was right in front of me. If you have a user manual, it's on page 64. If you don't, just follow these easy simple procedures

TO RESET USER'S SETTING TO FACTORY SETTING: Hold the highest white key (see pic) while your piano is in "off" stage, then turn ON piano and don't release the white key until the message appear on the screen.

TO DELETE DATA/SONG/STYLE/VOICE TO FACTORY RESET: follow procedure as above, except this time hold the last white key along with the 3 black keys (see pic)

These procedure should also work for Yamaha YPG-635 YPG-625 DGX-630 but I only tested on my Yamaha 640. Though, I ended up returning my keyboard to the store for a Casio WK-7500 because it offers more sounds to play with :D

Saturday, March 5, 2011


So my parents left for vacation, I'm now home alone. I wish I have a honie to bring home to mingle lol ...but anyway, just a random moment of me singing. I like all kind of music, but I prefer something a little upbeat and a little flavor of happiness :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Emotion is a strange thing. It hits you when you least expected. It's like playing with flame and sooner or later, you may get burn, unintentionally. Here I am, at the same bench that we used to sit on at Huntington Beach, writing blog with my phone. It's funny how our mind usually play trick on us, giving false hopes that we wish somehow miracle will happen, even that chance is less than zero. Unlike in movies where 2 ppl accidently bump into each other at the place they used to go, realty is a brutal disappointment. It's all started when my friend broke up with her boy friend. She was all sad and everything, so I offered a shoulder to cry on, literally. Thought that by being a good friend, somehow she will see that I like her and want to be with her. Contradictory how my mouth always say that I don't want a relationship cuz I am thinking of moving, well that's a fucking lie cuz I have been saying that for over a year. Like some people usually say "Idleness is the vacation of fools" and I've been a fool for so long :-( Regardless, now my friend, she's dating someone and I feel this deeply sadness that I'm not sure what it is; Is it love or jealousy? If it's love, then why when I asking myself what do I love her for? I can't identify any reason. Is there a noticeable reason for love? Or is there no reason for love? Or perhaps there's no love, only infatuation attraction of sexes. Or perhaps love only exist in motion pictures and love novel. Or maybe I am just jealous for not being on her dating consideration list. For whatever reason, I'll give her a Valentine gift. I hope it won't be an awkward moment :/

Friday, January 7, 2011

Empty breaths

Today, after selling a Plan B pill to a guy at work, I started to realize that he was buying it for a female friend of mine. For those who doesn't know what a Plan B pill is, it's an emergency contraceptive pill that minimize the chance of getting pregnant after having an unprotected sex. Thought it's very effective (98%), there're some risks of breast cancer and abnormal fertilization.... But anyway, this blog is not about the pill, but about moment that I realized my friend was sleeping with another guy. I felt breathless, like there was not enough oxygen rush through my lung. Each breath that I took was so empty. My mind went blank; I keep driving and driving on the freeway, careless of where am I going. Until my eyes caught the gas meter, and my stingy mind started wandering about gas's price, so I made a u turn and went home :P

Anyway, it makes me sad when I think about my friend sleeping with another guy, any guy for that matters. I'm not sure why I felt that way. Maybe because I like her. Maybe because I'm the jealousy kind of guy; feeling helpless when seeing someone I like is seeking comfort and pleasure from other guy. Maybe I'm not "cool" enough to be with her. Or maybe there's an invisible line that separate us, between friendship and romance, and I'm the one who tempting to cross that line. Or maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe...10000s of other maybes....maybe, we're just friend :/